Monday, March 21, 2011


just wanted to say i am doing really well.  had a few crappy days, but that's how it goes. the good news is, not one desire to drink. i like that.
if i wasn't struggling with feelings and learning how to live, then i wouldn't be growing. so over a week of does suck to think those 5 hrs screwed up my date...i would have had 5mths on the 18th. but you know, it's okay. if i hadn't experienced those 5hrs, who knows what would be going on. so i'm just grateful.


  1. Good things are in store, just keep the faith, mama. The ole cliche "everything happens for a reason" may sound phony but has a lot of truth to it really. You are right where you should be ... growing and learning to live again. You simply can't look back and say "I would have had" because then you aren't fully appreciating what's in front of you now. (I tried doing that after my miscarriage..."I would have been 6 months pregnant, my due date would have been June etc... did me NO good whatsoever) - LOVE YOUR GUTS!!! So glad you are grateful ... but don't forget you are also strong and dedicated.
