Tuesday, November 16, 2010

30 days one day at a time

i am the proud owner of a red chip today. the red chip signifies my 30 days of sobriety. i can not believe it. i really truly am in shock and disbelief.  30 days of not having my crutch, my go to gal, my counselor, my stress reliever, anxiety eraser.....today is a good day. for the first time in a VERY long time, i can honestly say i am proud of myself. i am changing little by little and all for the better.  30 days may not sound like much, but in my world it feels like a lifetime. i earned that red chip with hard work, self assessment, tears and laughter.  i have more to do, but i can do it with a bit more confidence, a bit more courage and a bit more of loving myself.  no one ever said change was easy, but nothing wonderful ever is!

today i will not drink so that tomorrow i have the same choice.

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