Monday, November 8, 2010

Awww quit your projecting!

cheese and rice...started off the day in a serious funky pickle.
i just returned home from one of the best meetings i have ever been to.  it isn't one i normally go to, but i needed a meeting.  i should back up and say that i have been talking to the universe today like a coked up whore on christmas. and guess what? IT WORKED! no, not all of my problems are solved, but i have learned quite a bit today by reaching out and listening. there was a reason i was able to go to this meeting. there was a reason my sponsor answered when i called. there was a reason a very important person called me this morning and made me laugh but also validated what i was feeling.  keep it simple. that is a hard concept for someone with anxiety issues. all we do is live in our head and try and project what is going to happen then obsess about it over and over...i call it snowballing.  i have the heard the phrase over and over 'don't or try not to project'...'just think about today'.  to tell an anxiety ridden person that is like telling mama cass not to eat that sammich'.  BUT, i expended so much energy today talking to the universe and believing and trusting that if i am patient, something, someone, some situation will present itself to me.  i do realize it won't always happen in a way i may think, so i try not to have any expectations on when and how it happens. but i can tell you that if you expect a miracle it will happen. i'm not a christian but i don't think you have to be christian to believe in miracles...i've always believed in niece for instance is one.  anyway, although my reason for sadness today hasn't been resolved, my spirits have been lifted and i am once again reminded that i am doing the right thing for the right reason.  i am grateful.

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