Sunday, February 20, 2011

frizzle fry (and no i'm not talkin' less claypool)

from friday to today has been a hurricane in my head. i don't even have the energy to write about it now.
my emotional state can go from almost picking up, to a beautiful evening w/ my son, to a massive break down that almost had me pick up again. this disease really sucks. actually there isn't even a phrase in circulation that can describe what this disease is and does.  since friday the healthy part of my brain has been boxing the sick part of my brain. no refs, hitting below the belt, ear biting; but no knock outs.
i gotta hang on and not give up before the miracle. i know this to be true as i experienced it on friday.
higher power, grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the WISDOM TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!!!

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